Discovering the Beauty of Descansar.
A gentle breeze rustles the leaves as you sink into the warmth of the hot tub.
In Spanish, this word is used for resting and recuperating. For taking a break—physically and mentally. When we descansamos - rest, we are creating space to relax our often overstimulated senses.
When we rest, we are gently inviting our bodies to slow down and embrace a change in rhythm. When we do it in nature, it can feel as if we’re synchronising with its natural pace. This sense of connection and calm is what we hope to share with you at Numie’s Cocoons.
As you read this, we invite you to take a slow breath and make a few gentle circles with your shoulders.
Imagine a place where you are invited to descansar fully, surrounded by Tasmanian native trees. Picture the Banksia trees with their golden, cylindrical flowers that attract an array of birds, such as the Yellow Wattlebird, Green Rosella, and New Holland Honeyeater. The Wattle trees drape the forest in vibrant yellow blooms. You may even catch sight of black swans gliding through the water, pelicans soaring over the bay, and Wattle trees and Banksias stretching toward the sky. There are so many more birds to discover that you will need a cuppa of tea to keep your hands warm— and you can explore them all with the bird guide that Nicole has created for you.
As you make your way to visit us, remember to greet the Hazards mountains. Once you cross Numie’s gates, please spray your shoes to avoid bringing any fungi that could affect the forest. Thanks to Landcare Tasmania, we are continually educating ourselves on practices to live more harmoniously and take care of the land and water.
And then pack just the minimum on the trolley, and make your way through a peaceful path that will lead you to the Cocoon. You will see Pelican Bay on your left, with all its splendour, framed by the gumtree trunks and the sound of cockatoos. Numie Cocoon is a place to descansar, recuperate, and take a break from daily distractions. Cozy up on the deck or by the fire pit, and let your gaze drift across Pelican Bay.
Nature here may not wait, but she will welcome you warmly. We can’t wait to share this place with you.